Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Operation destroy Sarah Palin

It didn't take long for the Democrats to initiate operation destroy Sarah Palin.  The MSM are heeding the call and being as scurrilous as possible.  New depths are being plumbed.

Democrat fear is palpable, plus recognition of the fact that Palin has more executive experience than their candidate.  Whether it is maligning the birth of Palin's Down syndrome child, who is attributed to either her daughter, or disgustingly, bad natal care. (She's irresponsible!), the whole coverage and chatter is a testament to the vileness and hate that inhabit the alleged hearts of people on the Left.  There also appears to be real anger that either Palin didn't take "advantage" of abortion.

The fact that Bristol Palin will marry the father of her child with the blessing of grandparents is a good thing, not a disaster.  Perhaps Democrats idea of conservatism is more Hawthorne and they expect that Bristol would be "cast out."  But the joy with which it is received in the conservative community is apparent, and it is a mistake to call this "hypocrisy."  Calling for an abortion would be hypocrisy.

It is unusual to see the children of candidates hauled out to be eviscerated by the media. But now all is fair game.  Let's see how low we can go.

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